Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Joseph's Birthday Invitation

Lately I have taken my post production to a new level and have experimented with doing 5X7 Cards with my photo's like Announcements, Invitations, Birthday's and such. For a very special boy I have created a birthday invitation for all his pre-school friends and of course our family and friends as well. My wife told me today she needed them tonight so I did this in about 20 minutes. Normally I don't like to rush my art like that but in this case they turned out to be one of my best. So when you look at these lets' see if you look at them with a Child's mind or an Adults. Most kids will spot out this immediately. I will give you a hint. Between the front and back there are a total of 3 shots of the birthday boy, Joseph...My son who loves Thomas the Tank Engine.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Cookies with Santa

I had the best time taking pictures of the kids with Santa the other night... Seeing each little smile go so big when they approached Santa was a great pleasure. I hope people enjoy the pictures as much as I enjoyed taking them.

Have a wonderful holiday season.

Merry Christmas, and happy birthday Jesus

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Little Trunk or Treaters

I had a blast taking pictures of the little people at Little Saints and Scholars.  All the costumes were adorable.  I wish I had those options when I was younger.  I can't believe my boys are getting so big that my wife and I are not doing school functions with them.  They are worth every second though.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

This was Trevor's first hockey practice wooohooo 
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Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Senior Portraits

I am now interested in doing story builds and senior portraits...I found out the other day that a mother paid $1800 to have her daughters senior portraits done.  She received an album and some prints...  Now the work I saw was good don't get me wrong, and I firmly believe that an artist should be compensated well for there work but come on!!! thats a lot of money...  So to all you parents out there who would like to have your son's or daughters in  some really great pictures please let me know and I will be sure not to take your bank in delivering an awesome package.  If you read this post and sign on to follow my blog let me know and I will do the work at cost with only a $100 Fee which is my normal session fee anyway.  So basically if you want a flush mount album done, unlimited enhancements, B&W, Sepia tone, 100 prints...sky is the limit...your choice.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Discount for August.

Life is going well in the photography world. I hope to capture some good memories this weekend with my eldest son having his first Hockey lesson and then taking the family to Fossil Rim where they can see all kinds of wild animals. I also hope to work on some wedding albums for a client so hopefully I will finish that up.
I have recently come close to finish my pricing for my wedding paclkages and next up is to put together some special event packages. If you have read this post and joined my blog, then let me know and I will give you a 50% discount during the rest of the month for August!!! WooHoo

Saturday, August 8, 2009

First Wedding Album

Tonight I began working on my first wedding album.  It's not to tricky but trying to piece a story together thru images is rather challenging.  I really like some of the photo's I selected but they don't necessarily work in the order so I end up having to set it aside...oh well.  Wish me luck!!!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Take my picture will ya!

Today was a great day for pictures.  I had some friends ask me back to take pictures of there 6 month old.  She is sooooo adorable I feel I should pay them to take her pictures!!!  She was such a happy baby, the kind that make you want to have more.  Although I won't say names I want to just say thank you to this family for allowing me the privilege to take there beautiful daughters' pictures.  On that not enjoy the pic of this little "Tiny Hiny".

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


So tonight was a fun night.  My clients finally sent me the images they wanted for print...So I can finish up the album...  I can't wait to put it together as it will be my first.  I am working on reloading all my images to my site with new metadata...  Hopefully this will help with the SEO of the internet.  Maybe now I can tjpcimages.com on the map of Google and not some weird stuff.  Wish me luck.

Also I don't know how she does it.  She works full time, holds down the house with bills, contractors, kids, a nanny, a full sized child (thats' me) and still is the best wife a husband could ask for.   Lately she has started an excercise program...I won't say it but it inspires me to get off my butt and work out...I think I will but not before my snack.
I am sitting here wondering how I can drive people to my site more, which by the way is tjpcimages.com :) It seems to me that most everyone who visits the site really likes my work...WoooHooo... i even have some potential clients who are interested. As I have blogged before, I want to focus on the Wedding and Baby/Child areas of photography. Taking pictures at a wedding ceremony is really fun and a lot of people are happy. The wedding that I did so far for Dianne and Sergio is coming along nicely. I ordered there wedding album the other day so I can't wait for that to come in. Then I can print the digital images and wrap the wedding album up nicely. I am probably going to work on my logo a bit more as I think it needs a little more spcie to it. Something unique. Taking pictures of children is also really fun as they are always smiling and laughing. you may ahve a hard time getting them to pose for you, but then capturing them in there natural presence makes a much more vivid portrait. Until next time.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Research and Knowledge

Tonight I am looking at the competition.  I have a long road ahead of me.  My goal is to focus on wedding photography and babies.  These two areas are the most enjoyable to shoot. From what I see there is a lot of talent out there.  The creative mix of ideas that I see always amaze me and aspire to be as creative.  I know it will take some time but I am ok with that.  For now I need to work on sharpening my skills.  To get experience I need to shoot probably as a second shooter for a time but then I need someone to bring me on as one.  Should be interesting considering a lot of people aren't in to sharing knowledge especially when your looking to be there competition...  It is my desire that once successful that I not follow in this paradigm, rather to share what I have learn.  Knowledge is nether created nor destroyed, rather it exists to be earned and shared.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Sleeping Beauty

Ok doing this photo enhancement was fun.  I am sure I broke a few laws on the copyright but it was fun to do and we will see if this helps the business...If so then I will go after the legal rights to do this :)
Playing in photoshop is a lot of fun.  I can see where it can be pattern repetition but at this point I need that.  I also believe there is more than one way to do things.  I think my two biggest learning curves are learning to control my camera like second nature and photoshop.  I am looking forward to august as it will be a busy month for tjpcimages.  I need to get this wedding shoot finished and to print, then I can focus on future endeavors.  I looked at my bridal/wedding shoot yesterday and still love the images, can't wait to get to post production on those.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Macrini Wedding Post Shoot

Tonight I shot the Macrini's for there post wedding shoot.  Sometimes couples don't exactly get the shots they wanted during the wedding...I mean come on its not like you have a lot going on during the BIG day...  Needless to say I was happy to help, especially considering they were kind enough to babysit my children so that I could take my own beautiful bride to dinner :)

Thanks John and Beth!!!

My Wife and Joseph

My wife asked me to touch up this photo and it was really fun to do.  At the end I gave her green eyes but it really looked strange to me so I kept her eyes the way I love them.  Not to mention my son has her eyes and I wanted them to match :)

Thursday, July 23, 2009

A good night

Tonight, I took a break from my hobby and decided to do something nice for my wife.  Even when you have so much passion for something, you shouldn't let it take away from the passion you ahve for other things.  In this case my family and especially my wife who is so incredibly patient and supportive.  I love you Kianna!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Late Night and I have a Logo

See I have a logo now, woohooo...  I finally got a logo finished.  Working in Photo shop is a lot of fun.  A million different ways to do the same thing.  My photography is coming along well.  I take photos' of just about everything I can point my camera on.  Honestly though I would like to focus in children's photography as well as wedding photography.  Both are really fun shoots and full of happy thoughts and images :)  Well its late and I need some sleep.  goodnight computer.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Mindless Chatter

OK I admit, I always said Blogs were a waist of time, but honestly the only time I waste is "thinking" that things are a waste of time. Since I started this photography earlier this year I have immersed myself in many different areas that have a high learning curve... For example
Photography Equipment and the use of them.
Image Software
Business Marketing and Accounting
Website Launch and Updates

and more... WOW Even with all that I still love it. This in itself amazes me as most of my past hobbies started off blazing, but only to fizzle after a week or two. I truly believe this is a path that God wants me to walk, and so I do.

Soon I will begin putting images on the blog. For now enjoy the empty space and my mindless chattering.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

A New Start

I have recently begun a business venture into photography.  I will keep all up to date as to my successes as well as my failures.  Hopefully I will have none of the latter.  I look forward to doing this so wish me luck!!!

Trevor Chesler